Resultados: Abel Kirui de Kenia vence en dramatico duelo a Dickson Chumba en la Maratón de Chicago 2016

Results: Marathon
Official Results | Men
Place OverallPlace GenderPlace DivisionName (CTZ)City, StateBIBDivisionAgeHALFFinish
111» Kirui, Abel (KEN)330-343401:06:5102:11:23Add runner to 'My Runners'
221» Chumba, Dickson (KEN)125-292901:06:5102:11:26Add runner to 'My Runners'
331» Kipketer, Gideon (KEN)720-242301:06:5102:12:20Add runner to 'My Runners'
442» Lonyangata, Paul (KEN)620-242401:06:5102:13:17Add runner to 'My Runners'
552» Sambu, Stephen (KEN)825-292801:06:5102:13:35Add runner to 'My Runners'
663» Ayele, Abayneh (ETH)425-292801:06:5102:13:52Add runner to 'My Runners'
774» Fukatsu, Takuya (JPN)1325-292801:06:5002:13:53Add runner to 'My Runners'
885» Estrada, Diego (USA)Flagstaff, AZ1125-292601:06:5102:13:56Add runner to 'My Runners'
996» Gokaya, Koji (JPN)1225-292801:06:5002:14:34Add runner to 'My Runners'
10102» Kibet, Elkanah (USA)Fountain, CO1030-343001:06:5102:16:37Add runner to 'My Runners'
11117» Young, Tim (USA)Fredericksburg, VA1725-292901:07:0902:16:43Add runner to 'My Runners'
12128» Epperson, Andrew (USA)Golden, CO2425-292501:08:0302:16:54Add runner to 'My Runners'
13133» Overall, Scott (GBR)1430-343301:06:5102:18:21Add runner to 'My Runners'
14149» Matsuo, Ryoichi (JPN)1625-292501:06:5102:18:50Add runner to 'My Runners'
151510» Migliozzi, Tony (USA)North Canton, OH2025-292701:09:1702:19:39Add runner to 'My Runners'
161611» Anderson, Tom (GBR)2525-292601:07:1002:19:52Add runner to 'My Runners'
171712» Wallis, Daniel (NZL)3025-292801:08:5302:19:56Add runner to 'My Runners'
18184» Kogo, Micah (KEN)530-343001:06:5102:20:03Add runner to 'My Runners'
191913» Puskedra, Luke (USA)Eugene, OR925-292601:06:5102:20:18Add runner to 'My Runners'
202014» Mott, Jonathan (USA)Babson Park, FL2125-292901:09:4302:20:22Add runner to 'My Runners'
212115» Nilsson, David (SWE)1825-292901:07:1002:20:25Add runner to 'My Runners'
22225» Chu, Meng-Tsung (TPE)Colorado Springs, CO30330-343401:09:4602:21:02Add runner to 'My Runners'
242316» Dandena, Kiya (USA)Flagstaff, AZ2725-292701:07:1702:22:14Add runner to 'My Runners'
252417» Carrera, Mizael (USA)Chicago, IL30125-292501:08:4102:22:25Add runner to 'My Runners'
26256» Ishida, Kazuya (JPN)1530-343201:07:1002:23:02Add runner to 'My Runners'

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